Asya Savicheva, Backstage shooting of the Cover Page of “Menu Udovolstviy”. 26.04.2006 We at IQ models gradually are getting used to great victories of our models, which happen in increasing frequency, almost every day now. However what you see in this update would rather be called the greatest victory of all. This shooting took place only 3 days prior our dear Asya completely lost her hair. Her immune system was already depleted by anti-cancer therapy, thus she had to start wearing a band over her nose and mouth almost all the time to avoid even the slightest infection. However Asya along with us, as well as with her parents, decided to take part in this shooting and, dispite really cold weather (it was something like plus 5-7C and extremely windy that day), left hospital and joined Vika Lonina to get this job done! We have no comments to what you’ve done that day, Asya. Really nothing to say. Because that was the victory nothing to compare with. Your victory, our dear Asya! Your first really really big victory. But not the last one, we could affirm this even now, several months before you finish your course of anti-cancer therapy!…It was the very last public appearance of Asya for the next something like 8 or even 10 months… Out of which only 4.5 months have elapsed yet… Get well, Asya, get well sooner, our dear angel!